Enables you to have additional cash for your future business expansion.
Less restriction as compared to other financial institutions. Suitable for SMEs with limited business track records.
Funds will be disbursed within two weeks for new Clients and within 3 working days for subsequent drawdowns.
The facility line is based on the value and quality of your invoices. This provides you a financial platform which can further support your business growth.
Invoice financing application process is simple, easy and hassle-free with minimal financial documents requirement.
Offers competitive rates which enable entrepreneurs to gain better profit margins.
Factoring is a flexible facility that allows your company to have immediate cash in hand. How? You can convert your credit sales into cash by selling your invoices to us, Skylive Ventures.
We are able to finance the trade when the payment is assigned to us.
Corporate Loans
Micro Loans
We engage bank clean loan and facilities , P2P financing , mortgage or base lending facilities loans to Small medium enterprises middle market companies. We partner with these firms and their sponsors to understand their businesses, address their challenges and support their long-term strategies.
Our mezzanine business has a flexible mandate that provides privately negotiated capital to companies in connection with leveraged buyouts, acquisitions, recapitalizations and growth financings. Our expertise in these areas helps companies navigate change while generating attractive returns for our investors.
We partner with stressed and distressed companies, both public and private, to solve balance sheet problems. Our rigorous investing approach is designed to preserve principal while offering flexible capital solutions where they are needed most.
Our Malaysian P2P loan, high yield and investment grade bond strategies rely on bottom-up fundamental analysis and investing discipline. Given our scale as one of the larges funds managers in the world, we are also able to source differentiated investments and commit capital in size
With the above services, we believe we are ready to access your need with effective solution.